Above is an example of a possible magazine advert for our artists album. We took a lot of inspiration from JessieJ's "Who You Are" Magazine Advert. (Don't worry we'll change the text this is just a mock up). This is an example of what our magazine advert would look like if we were to use the above image as our album front cover. We were worried we would have to rule out completely this image because it was a close up so would not work in a magazine advert. However Jessie J's album also uses a close up, and substitues the bottom with a black strip which displays information. We think the advert is well suited to our genre and music video, as it uses images, costumes and locations which appear in our music video. The close up image is also very typical of pop as it makes the artist the focal point, as pop is very "me, me, me". The mode of address is also direct as the artist is looking directly at the audience, this creates a connection between the artist and audience, this is very typical in pop as it makes the artist likeable which is incredibly important in a competitive industry and genre, such as music and pop. Despite being an advert for a pop artist, the advert looks sophisticated and adult, appealing to a mature aspirant market. The magazine advert also follows typical conventions of a MagAd, such as the artists and album name and a website, there are also company logo's in the corner. The Advert also uses persuasive language to make audiences buy the CD, by bigging it up. If we did choose to use this as our final Advert, we will add a release date and change some of the text.
I tried using a Gold Font on one of my possible inlays as the
colour gold is typically associated with fame and fortune,
which will appeal to an aspirant market that aim to be likepop artists. |
Below is our second idea for our magazine advert. Our advert is very similar to Katy Perry's, as it follows closely the conventions of pop, her target audience is also similar to ours, as her extravagent videos are deliberate to make audiences want to be her. The image for our advert is very typical of pop as its flirty and sexy and the artist is still directly addressing the audience with her mode of address. The font uses typical popping colours which are bright and eye catching, and the dream like font adds an element of fantasy, again creating this extravagant world that audiences want to be a part of. Bright candy colours such as pink
and red are very typical within pop, It reflects the dream like fantasy world
that pop videos create and the positive atmosphere they induce through upbeat
music. Colours such as red also have connotations such as “sexy”, which are
typical themes in female pop artist music videos. E.g. Rock videos tend to use
dark colours because of the dark themes of their music.
Dream like curly font is very
typical in pop, it reflects the dream like fantasy world that pop artists
create through using exotic costumes and locations, all designed to make
audiences aspire to be them.
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